Alleged Mistress Kola Boof releases explicit statement about Kimora Lee Simmons & Djimon Hounsou...!!!
This alleged love triangle between Kimora Lee Simmons, Djimon Hounsou, and Kola Boof has gone a little too far. You have got to read this statement that she put out!!!! It is INSANE!!!! You can see some of the crazy things Kola said after the cut…

It has come to my attention vicious lies and stories are being spread about myself and my family. I do not know, nor have I ever met this person. To that extent any and all claims are totally fabricated and for the press to be spreading these lies is irresponsible on their part. I am a man of integrity and would never betray my wife or my family.
Egyptian-Sudanese-American novelist KOLA BOOF responds to Djimon Hounsou, Russell Simmons, Kimora Lee Simmons and the general public regarding her long standing intimacy indiscretions with Mr. Hounsou.
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