Woman undergoes horrible surgery to get dimples
After surgery After two weeks (surgery healed)
We get used to butts, lips, hips, boobs, nose but now there is a new plasty surgery in town... dimples. A trainee lawyer Cherelle Campbell went dimpleplasty surgery on both cheeks to get the dimples she has always wanted.
The surgery usually costs £1,500 but Cherelle got hers for free, in return for letting the clinic use her story in its publicity materials.
Cherrelle said she didn't expect such deep holes but knows she will love them.
After two weeks Miss Campbell was upset her dimples became much less noticeable unless she's smiling (pictured above right)I've always loved dimples [but] I wasn't blessed to be given big ones,' she explained, adding that she liked Cheryl Cole's.When God was giving out dimples I was at the back of the queue. I find myself on the street or watching TV and anyone with dimples stands out to me.'I was impressed as I didn't think they were going to be that deep, it's mixed feelings. Once it has healed, I know I will love it.
she mad o. na by force? ah! how gurls lyk bn fake dey vex me aswr